Holding On Is Not Always Better Than Letting Go
The phrase 'let go of' has been demonized in several quarters as a negative occurrence that brings about sadness. So, the ordinary persons notion of the phrase, either in written or spoken form is perceived as a loss. But from personal and eye-witness experience I can authoritatively say that this isn't always the case. The trepidation of what happens next or what will happen when we let go keeps our hands occupied (tied) literally, for a long period of time.
Let us use the analogy of weights to cite an example. Weight means different things to different people, to the fat lady- bad, to the muscle junkie- good, to the artisan- stress, but one thing is common to all, they all aim to let go of the weight at some point.
Same with relationships, the weight of some relationships get us out of shape mentally and physically, while some bend us over and over labour us, others do us good by putting us in top form. Therefore, assess the relationships you have, be it a work relationship, friendship, romantic Etc. and determine if it's time to let go or keep holding on.
Drawing an allusion for the earlier events of President Trump's time in office. Some of the most publicized decisions he made were, pulling out of the 'Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)', 'Paris agreement' and more recent the 'Iran nuclear deal'. Looking now at the results of these decisions, it will seem it has become beneficial to the American people, considering a GDP growth of 4.1%, lower unemployment rates amongst other gains.
The choice is ours to make, we should retrain our minds on the concept of letting go and identifying the objects to be forgone. I for one I'm letting go of my keyboard for now.
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