Missing Icons

I was fortunate to be born at a time when the word icon meant more than a colorful logo on a computer screen. It was a time when it was a status symbol that most people strived to become. It was revered by all and sundry, it was the pride of humanity especially when it is affiliated to noble deeds.
Fast forward to today's society, many of our teeming youths associate any idea of the word icon with a computer, could it be as a result of the predominance of IT or sear ignorance, that's a topic for another day. However, what is consistent is the cavalier attitude expressed at those that are icons or should be considered icons.
Months ago an incident occurred that kept the social media space buzzing, it was the incidence of a younger man demanding his right to his designated seat on a plane, as evident by his ticket. What was seemingly abnormal about this was the personality from which he had made such demand. It would seem to the greater public that he had committed sacrilege for confronting a noble laureate, activist and sage by his demand. Although the media space was polarized by this event, with e-warriors setting their tents in the camp of both parties, what I have chosen to take out of this is the bitter truth that our decorated icons have become Neanderthals, even whilst still living.
Icons are not given, they are earned, and to become one is the product of painstaking years of discipline, focus, selflessness, integrity, dignity, and zeal. Every person, dead or alive that has attained such status was an embodiment of these characteristics and more. Having touched lives in ways that money cannot buy, with the hope that they shall be repaid in coins of accolades in all time to come.
So what has happened to our icons? How did they fade away into obscurity? Is there a way to salvage the situation? A society devoid of icons translates to a dearth of role models, an era of mediocrity and the triumph of moral decadence being embraced as the new norm. Thereby making criminals, thieves, thugs, mafias, drug dealer, prostitute the pride of the nation.
Having said the above, we must give credits to the few people that have wedged the fall of our value system and made proud our country by leaving their mark on internationally recognized platforms among the company of nations. we should not relent in giving meritorious tribute to all veterans in various walks of life, that are deserving. I celebrate the Silverbird team for their man of the year award and others that put in the effort to reward excellence. And I would also like to remind us all that it is our collective civic responsibility to protect and support those that have transformed/are transforming our society for the better.


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