Healthy practices for bright eyes

The eyes are often referred to as the window to the soul, but when your not trying to see the soul the serve an aesthetic piece. Beautiful eyes are priceless less they can locking the most distracted of gaze, if you are in doubt ask Mila Kunis, Ashwarya Rai.
Beauty aside changes in the eyes can be early warning signs of impending ailment.

How to protect the eyes

1. Avoid very bright light.

2. Use of hats.

3. Use of sunshades.

4. Proper hydration.

5. Smoke, perfumes, pepper spray etc can irritate the eyes.

6. Trauma: an expected blow can cause immediate damage to the eyes, but unknown to us minute particles such as dust, sand, can cause long term, gradual damage to the eyes.

7. Avoid excessive use of artificial eye lashes and contact-lenses.

Ways to maintain/repair the eyes

1. Sleep faced up, to prevent fluid from pooling around the eye.

2. A recent study at the University of Maryland found that people with bloodshot eyes are viewed as sadder, unhealthier, and less attractive than people with brighter eye whites.
 Take off contact lenses as soon as you get home from work, and never sleep in them. "Over-wear can deprive eyes of oxygen and cause visible capillaries to form," says Dr. Bakri.

3. Reserve eyedrops that promise to remove redness for special occasions. Used too often, they can have a rebound effect and leave eyes more bloodshot.

4. Tea bags are the easiest and handy remedy to use. Both green tea and black tea contain bioflavonoinds. Tea bags will help to reduce bacteria and inflammation. Place wet tea bags in the freezer to chill. Apply olive oil with a cotton ball on your eyes, while you chill the tea bags. Remove the tea bags from the freezer after a few minutes. Find a place to relax and place these chilled tea bags on your eyes. Leave them on for ten minutes and wash your face. Dry it and moisturize as usual.

5. Like cucumber the water content in potatoes helps in reducing the puffiness around the eyes. Potatoes also contain high amount of vitamin C and potassium. The potassium will help to keep all the fluids balanced in the body. The skin will absorb anything put on it. The skin will thus absorb all the essential nutrients. You will have bright and healthy eyes. This remedy will also help to eliminate the dark circles around the eyes.

6. Cucumbers are widely known remedy for puffy eyes. It is considered as the most effective way to brighten your tired eyes. The high water content in the cucumber is the main ingredient that will help the most. Take an ice-cold cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Relax your head and place these slices on your closed eyes. Keep it on for 10 minutes or till the cucumber slices get warm.

7. Use of anti-ageing cream around the eyes such as Neutrogena Ageless Intensives Anti-Wrinkle Deep Wrinkle Eye Cream or luminous eye complex.


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