Plan to Break-up.
"I'm not ready to say goodbye"- lyrics by Leah Nobel that resonates with most of us.
Not being ready does not erode the inevitability of the need to pull the plug on something that has outlived its purpose or requires reevaluation or appraisal.
People plan to be in relationships, fall in love, make matching sweaters and all the shenanigans that comes with being in love, but they never put plans in place for what happens when loves dies. If every wise man plans ahead of death by putting a will in place, I think it is also wise for lovers to discuss what a future break up would mean to both parties. And before I get those stink eyes, ask yourself, why do people sign prenuptial agreements before marriage and then make vows for together forever... your guess is as good as mine.
I learn everyday about the impermanence of the world we live in and how as cells in our bodies die daily so do things such a feelings and emotions, which go unnoticed. Whatever part of our lives death chooses to lay its cold hands on isn't the end of it, what actually is the end is our response to the event.
What should a good break-up conversation be? As I would always say, its never a one size fit all situation. The values, needs and ideas that formed the relationship in the first place should be the basis for its end. like a good divorce it should linger for a while. In this time both parties can concretize their views on why the relationship must seize to exist as it was and perhaps become something different. I remember reading an article of how a couple went from lovers to sex buddies and it weirdly strengthened their relationship, but also gave them both the opportunity to pursue their unmet needs some place else.
Why should anyone plan to break-up? Well for starters the lovers Eldorado is still illusory, people change, people want different things at different points in time. What I would however advise is that while the relationship exists, give it your all till the very day of break up. I believe what causes bad break-ups are the cunningness, callousness and deceit that culminates into the truths of suspicions. Being taken for a fool is an awful feeling that no one who has ever opened the doors of his or her heart should be subjected to.
How do you plan a break-up? This should be a part of the 'meet cute' conversation. Hey Lisa, so I was thinking that, if we are ever gonna breakup lets promise each other to have one last weekend together at this same place where we first met. Would this work? beats me, but from my unprofessional logical deduction I believe this new approach to a sad-painful situation may perhaps attenuate the pain usually associated with it. I usually would recommend that all romantic relationships should expire after a year from inception. We all know and have sundry stories of seemingly informidable relationships, frequently themed a match made in heaven, that hit the rocks for all intents and purposes, and the aftermath riddled with horrifying tales of suicides, homicides, insanity and so on.
The Holy Book says perfect love has no doubts, while we all want happily ever after, we must be truthful to ourselves. Once doubts emerge in a relationship it should be explored, and the one year timeline is a perfect time to take a guilt free exit without grievances. I, also believe this would help mitigate the incidence of cheating. So, if you want to leave, by years end you'll be free to.
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