Where there is a will, there is always a way.

The POTUS has become my modern day super hero, for reasons not very far fetched. He has defied the laws of gravity that pulls Presidents, Statesmen and Politicians to the center of charlatanism, procrastination and broken promises.
he has taught the world an invaluable lesson; a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Against the backdrop of naysayers, he has demonstrated an uncommon determination to make good on his campaign promises irrespective of how they are perceived. Expecting the worst whilst hoping for the best.
My new found conviction is to trump limitations with a Donald type of determination, to internalise a culture of doing what I can, while I can and leave the rest to the world to hobnob over its inadequacies.
My country will be having its next presidential election in 2019, a lot of politricks and politicking are on display, the rhetoric is being peddled on all media outfits and the purveyors are the infamous, invincible, dogged 'cabals'.
We have had a hard running in the last 3 years, i didn't witness the civil war, but i did witness a harsh recession, terrorism, amongst other traumatizing events. One question that always boggles my mind is, where do my country's politicians draw the line between party politics, nepotism, hegemony and patriotism because they seem to mean one word to them all - sycophancy.
The Internet is my window to the world and i beckon on people of good conscience and stakeholders as well, to repress short term gains, selfish interests and wield the instrument of proficiency, diligence, passion and love for a wounded nation to sift the electorates and support a Trump like leader. Who's nightmare is failing his citizens and whose success is their collective success. we can make Nigeria great again.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
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