Ten commandments for a successful relationship
Hey Mosth loyals! so i've been doing some research and
i've found out that we all need road maps and not
necessarily rules to a good relationship. So here is a
list of ten commandments to a successful relationship:
1. You should never talk about your flaws or personal
deficiency at the beginning of the new relationship.
Take it one step at a time and let things role out the
way they should.
2. Do not depend entirely upon one another for the
satisfaction of every emotional need. Maintain
interests and activities outside that romantic
relationship, even after marriage.
3. Never let selfishness get in the way of a good
relationship. Most girls are blinded by the
orientation that the guy does all the money spending
but no its not that way, buying him gift as a sign of
appreciation once in a while will encourage him to do
4. since the infancy of a relationship is the delicate
stage, it is important for the man to respect the woman,
but most importantly it is required for the woman to give
him something to respect. Even saying things like fool,
stupid, and goat jokingly to a man can send the wrong
signal, making him feel you don't respect him so why
should he you.
5. If genuine love has escaped you thus far, don't start
believing "no one would ever want me." That is a deadly
trap that can destroy you emotionally! Millions of people
are looking for someone to love. The problem is finding
one another!
6. People often get carried away by looks! do not be
deceived! a good head and heart will always be an ominous
7. Don't call too often on the phone or give the other
person an opportunity to get tired of you. Wait for the
action to be reciprocated.
8. once in a while its possible to get a rain-check from a
spouse or some sort of test. however, you should never be
caught off guard falling right into the arms of your
guilty pleasure.
9. Trust is a basic foundation for love. if you can't
learn to trust you can't learn to love. both parties
should be responsible for clearing all forms of doubt.
10. It feels ancient for ladies to say no when it comes to
sex! but that's not ancient. no guy likes easy cause they
feel that's how you've been with others, so try to say no.
i've found out that we all need road maps and not
necessarily rules to a good relationship. So here is a
list of ten commandments to a successful relationship:
1. You should never talk about your flaws or personal
deficiency at the beginning of the new relationship.
Take it one step at a time and let things role out the
way they should.
2. Do not depend entirely upon one another for the
satisfaction of every emotional need. Maintain
interests and activities outside that romantic
relationship, even after marriage.
3. Never let selfishness get in the way of a good
relationship. Most girls are blinded by the
orientation that the guy does all the money spending
but no its not that way, buying him gift as a sign of
appreciation once in a while will encourage him to do
4. since the infancy of a relationship is the delicate
stage, it is important for the man to respect the woman,
but most importantly it is required for the woman to give
him something to respect. Even saying things like fool,
stupid, and goat jokingly to a man can send the wrong
signal, making him feel you don't respect him so why
should he you.
5. If genuine love has escaped you thus far, don't start
believing "no one would ever want me." That is a deadly
trap that can destroy you emotionally! Millions of people
are looking for someone to love. The problem is finding
one another!
6. People often get carried away by looks! do not be
deceived! a good head and heart will always be an ominous
7. Don't call too often on the phone or give the other
person an opportunity to get tired of you. Wait for the
action to be reciprocated.
8. once in a while its possible to get a rain-check from a
spouse or some sort of test. however, you should never be
caught off guard falling right into the arms of your
guilty pleasure.
9. Trust is a basic foundation for love. if you can't
learn to trust you can't learn to love. both parties
should be responsible for clearing all forms of doubt.
10. It feels ancient for ladies to say no when it comes to
sex! but that's not ancient. no guy likes easy cause they
feel that's how you've been with others, so try to say no.
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