
Let Me In.

On a trip last year I got engaged in a discussion about identity and the sense of belonging. My discussant, a young medical student of Indian descent. Born in the UK, she confessed to feeling perpetually out of place. She shared with me that, during several visits to India, she experienced a sense of belonging she'd never found in her birth country. I questioned her to understand the root of this disconnect: Was it a race issue? Culture? Religion? Morality? What was it? I usually have a pet peeve for privileged people and their proclivity for bogus humility and modesty. Occasionally quick to sling the hackneyed ‘all these privileges don’t matter, I’d rather have the short end of the stick’ response. But something about her disparagement felt genuine. She went on to tell me about how differently she was made to feel as a child. She told me about her largely Indian settlement on the outskirts of London, which was her bastion. She utilised many words to express how outcast she felt. T...

A Privilege and a Miracle

Newton's  first law  of motion states that  an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. What are the odds of anything traveling unidirectionally, unending without coming in contact with another object? My guess is zero! Even in the sky, colliding with a bird or cloud is almost inevitable. A linear life is desirable but also unrealistic, nothing works like clockwork unless a clock. Through this realization, we must then anticipate and expect a collision of varying magnitude in our living, and unsurprisingly, our wits are the only safety gear we have, with experiences of self and others as emotional band-aids. Some forces would absolutely displace us, some would deflect, and some we would evade but nonetheless they will come. What happens when a force that changes your life comes your way. How prepared are you to embark on a journey to the unknown? Although incalculable, the most life-changing moments happen in the twinkle of an eye, and these unpreceden...

Bankrupt by Attention

Hello, Mosth-loyals, I've been thinking a lot lately about the cost of attention, and through all my computations and permutations one recurring decimal has stood out, and that is the cost varies from person to person. What is attention? It is a state of mind comprised of time, interest, and communication. It is an all-or-none principle, without any of the three components it wouldn't work. When we give attention to a thing or person we imply that that object is the subject of our time. Time being qualified as personal and none personal, and in this context, it is a combination of both. The same can be said for interest, we consciously learn, unlearn and relearn more about this object, and finally, we communicate what we know, and have learned, back to this object for feedback and validation purposes. I call these the currency of attention and we all have it in 24-hour bills. The valuation of attention is individualistic. We overprice some and disregard others. For me, it depen...

Love as the blind 2

One of the dubious advantages of being blind is that you’re absolved from the torment of left and right swiping, which is strictly based on appearance. Swiping dating apps clearly do not consider any other population than the seeing one. I believe a dating app for the blind would engender better connections and successful enduring relationships.  It would most likely entail a lot of listening, and divulgence of the pure contents of one’s soul.  Our sight is a blessing and sometimes a curse at the same time, we invest so much money and time into appearances and little in character. Most of us would pay heavily for a day at the spa, saloon, nail studio, boutique, an Instagram filter, or a location with good lighting, but not for a self or character-building seminar, podcast, or book, not for counsel on how to treat others better, not to save a soul in need. I have come to the realization that human nature is consistently varied. The colours of our characters are the same but the...

Love as the Blind

There I stood in front of my shelved wardrobe where I had my cosmetics with my eyes closed. I had just had a deep clean shower and now was the time to feed my skin some goodness. For some reason, I couldn’t place a finger on why I had my eyes closed and that led me to my next thrill of identifying my products by touch. I had to trust my other senses had been taking notes now that my eyes were unavailable for this mundane task. It was at this point that the content for this post hit me, like a ton of cash. What senses would be the most accurate to rely on as a blind man in love? Would it be my ears? Would it be my nose? My hands? What would beauty mean to me? Are all the things we adore in a partner a function of all our senses or just our eyes? While I haven’t had the rare privilege of interacting with a blind couple, I have come to the realization that beauty can be perceived and expressed by all our senses. As such I can also conclude that love can be perceived and expressed by all o...

Sorries and Goodbyes

Apologies, not so easy to come by for some, and for others, it comes as a torrential flood even for the slightest misdemeanor. Whatever the case maybe it is a universal verbalized or written olive branch, an indication that a party has rescinded or regretted his or her previous position and is willing to compromise or come to the negotiation table. It is a brake to a perceived or presumed deterioration in the status quo of things. A simple I don't want things to get worse and I regret my previous stance on the issue. Does this work in reality? Goodbyes, ordinarily connote the end. but has associated nuances, it could be said as a threat, or an actual fact, worse off it may not be said at all. It is a place where only the prepared win and all other parties lose. It is the joker on the game table of life that many suspect but never know where or when it will be served up. There are no happy goodbyes. How do we decipher which is which? Experience they say is the best teacher. Well, wh...

Plan to Break-up.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye"- lyrics by Leah Nobel that resonates with most of us. Not being ready does not erode the inevitability of the need to pull the plug on something that has outlived its purpose or requires reevaluation or appraisal. People plan to be in relationships, fall in love, make matching sweaters and all the shenanigans that comes with being in love, but they never put plans in place for what happens when loves dies. If every wise man plans ahead of death by putting a will in place, I think it is also wise for lovers to discuss what a future break up would mean to both parties. And before I get those stink eyes, ask yourself, why do people sign prenuptial agreements before marriage and then make vows for together forever... your guess is as good as mine. I learn everyday about the impermanence of the world we live in and how as cells in our bodies die daily so do things such a feelings and emotions, which go unnoticed. Whatever part of our lives death ...