A Privilege and a Miracle

Newton's first law of motion states that an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. What are the odds of anything traveling unidirectionally, unending without coming in contact with another object? My guess is zero! Even in the sky, colliding with a bird or cloud is almost inevitable. A linear life is desirable but also unrealistic, nothing works like clockwork unless a clock. Through this realization, we must then anticipate and expect a collision of varying magnitude in our living, and unsurprisingly, our wits are the only safety gear we have, with experiences of self and others as emotional band-aids. Some forces would absolutely displace us, some would deflect, and some we would evade but nonetheless they will come. What happens when a force that changes your life comes your way. How prepared are you to embark on a journey to the unknown? Although incalculable, the most life-changing moments happen in the twinkle of an eye, and these unpreceden...