Bankrupt by Attention
Hello, Mosth-loyals, I've been thinking a lot lately about the cost of attention, and through all my computations and permutations one recurring decimal has stood out, and that is the cost varies from person to person. What is attention? It is a state of mind comprised of time, interest, and communication. It is an all-or-none principle, without any of the three components it wouldn't work. When we give attention to a thing or person we imply that that object is the subject of our time. Time being qualified as personal and none personal, and in this context, it is a combination of both. The same can be said for interest, we consciously learn, unlearn and relearn more about this object, and finally, we communicate what we know, and have learned, back to this object for feedback and validation purposes. I call these the currency of attention and we all have it in 24-hour bills. The valuation of attention is individualistic. We overprice some and disregard others. For me, it depen...