
Showing posts from 2019

Migration; movement of ideas not people

Migration has been a part of mans history for as long as he has existed. People have migrated for a collection of reasons, some now seen as mundane and some as germane; from climatic reasons to nutritional reasons, such as food and water during famines and droughts, for natural resources that were not available in their environment, for trading, war, natural disaster reasons and so on. Over time the reasons for migration has gradually declined, for one, early migrants devised means through technology to solve the problems that made them migrate in the first place, another reason is that migration laws became stricter in these so called migrants destination choices. As population increases all right thinking governments are vested with the responsibility to diligently manage their scarce or plenteous resources to the benefit of their citizens first and then others. As migrant laws thicken, in countries like Australia, France, United States of America, discourse from varying ...

Know me, don't ask me to tell you.

When two rhythms meet, at first they are uncoordinated, but over time become harmonious, this should be the norm but sometimes we find that both rhythms remain out of sync bringing about a cacophony, disturbing to those who are unfortunate to be connected to this event by whatever means. To err is human, the quantum is what differentiates a misdemeanor from an atrocity, and both are based on the depth of the relationship shared by the parties involved. We say things we don’t mean apologize and then regret, and more often than not, our utterance does not evoke the response we such desire, instead it adds salt to injury. This might be as a result of a lack of due diligence on the culprit's part to decipher the right tone and timing to advance a complaint, observation or outright dismissal of an issue. We do things innocently that ends up hurting others in ways we did not imagine, and its worse when it’s someone we claim to love or have loved, who has set the security threat...

The Power of New

Hello Mosth-royals, We all have individualities when it comes to happiness, what rocks my boat might certainly not rock yours. But one thing that i've come to learn, that is ubiquitous but often overlooked by most of us is the idea of newness. Our brains and minds are conditioned to tag anything or persons associated with new as good. Personally I feel the word new should have a biological connotation because I feel an unusual set of emotions whenever I meet someone or acquire something new. Its exhilarating, it has that new car vibe, its different, its almost like someone flipped the page in the story of my life. So about a month ago, I met someone new, although we'd exchanged some messages over the phone, spoken a couple of times but to me none could measure up to the traditional face to face meetings. It was up-close- and personal. It was a business meeting turn casual. We sat across each other on a table for two with the wall creating a border at one end. She was tall, p...

The truth about truths

'The truth shall set you free', these are more than preacher words, but they are eternal principles that govern the growth and prosperity of all things. As a child my father would say to me, son, look at that tree, it has to be true to itself if not when the season to bear fruits comes it will have none, this was the usually analogy before a go study some more command. Now I see those words as words on marble, the mystical elixir to all success. Nature and natural principle are truths.   All success stories that last the test of time are true, all fights, revolutions, revolts that succeeded had these elements ingrained in its values. My people are under the bondage of poverty, strife, and so many other societal and economic ills because we have jettisoned truths and displaced its associated values. Unknown to them truth is a science, its objective, if the equation is true the result will always be correct. A minister of labour was asked an interesting question the o...

Blind Loyalty

Often times we are faced with the allegation of where our loyalties lie, and at times like this we mostly thoughtlessly respond in a way pleasing to the accuser. The answer is usually not straightforward or rather should not be, it's a type of question that requires some degree of brainstorming. What are you loyal to? are you loyal to an entity or his philosophy? are you loyal to yourself and your beliefs as it is in alignment with that of the accuser? after answering these questions then you can return an answer. The kind of loyalty that demands our unequivocal, sycophant-like-allegiance is blind loyalty which is lethal. Our loyalty should never be anchored on a person but on the personality and the values it portrays and once it has been betrayed the common loyalty once shared can weave. It is the election period in Nigeria and as usual, the political rhetoric is at its best, party faithful turn out in their large numbers in support of the party's candidates. Demagoguery...

The Rubber Mind

Rubber comes from a substance called latex found in trees, it is sapped from the core of the tree, then  put through various processes to transform it from a semi liquid to the solid we are familiar with. What is interesting about latex is that this substance is found in varying quantities in most trees. No wonder most trees can take a beating on in a stormy weather and still look good on a sunny day, this component does the trick. So the question today is how much rubber (latex) do you have? Speaking with a friend recently opened my eyes to the fact that humans can have a rubber structured mind if they wished to, and being rigid on flawed or arguable life philosophies also is a choice. She’s taken a beating from life in her nearly 3 decades on earth, her tragedies in life would usually be a fiction story from a New York times best seller, but this ain’t no fiction, from single mom to motherless to imminent career truncation, a rope hanging from the ceiling would have pla...